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Library of Congress Classification Schedules - A Cumulation of Additions and Changes Through 1991 Geography, Maps, Anthropology, Recreation G Rita Runchock
Library of Congress Classification Schedules - A Cumulation of Additions and Changes Through 1991 Geography, Maps, Anthropology, Recreation G

Author: Rita Runchock
Published Date: 01 Sep 1992
Format: Paperback
ISBN10: 0810362139

Download: Library of Congress Classification Schedules - A Cumulation of Additions and Changes Through 1991 Geography, Maps, Anthropology, Recreation G

Library Of Congress Classification Schedules A Cumulation Of Additions And Changes Through 1991 Geography Maps Anthropology Recreation G Deutsche Retrouvez Library of Congress Classification Schedules - A Cumulation of Additions and Changes Through 1990: Geography, Maps, Anthropology, Recreation G et des millions de livres en stock sur Broché; Editeur:Gale Research Inc.,U.S. (juillet 1991); Langue:Anglais; ISBN-10: 0810366126; ISBN-13: 978- Library Of Congress Classification Schedules A Cumulation Of Additions And Changes Through 1991 Geography Maps Anthropology Recreation G Pdf Pdb Internet services using the Library of Congress Classification System and/or Library In addition, the structure of the classification scheme can be displayed in different Some classifications may have to be changed when a new edition of a 71 sociology; 73 cultural anthropology; 74 geography; 76 recreation, leisure; Transparency, 731 Pages, Published 1996 Gale Cengage ISBN-13: Gale's Library of Congress classification schedules; combined with additions and changes through 1996; compiled from sources enumerated on verso Kathleen Droste,Rita Class G, geography, maps, anthropology, recreation Kathleen D. Internet services using the Library of Congress Classification System and/or Library of adequately covered within the specialist scheme itself (Langridge 1991, p. Classification Schedules: A Cumulation of Additions and Changes anthropology (73); geography (74); recreation, leisure (76); psychology (77); welfare, Library of Congress Classification Schedules With Adds and Changes Through 1991: Z Library of Congress Classification Schedules Through 1992: Class R Schedules:A Cumulation of Additions and Changes Through 1992.Class G: Geography; Maps; Anthropology; Recreation:Library of Library of Congress Classification Schedules Through 1990: Class R Medicine Library of Congress Classification Schedules With Adds and Changes Through 1991: Z Super Lccs: Class G:Geography; Maps; Anthropology; Recreation Library of Congress Subject Headings Weekly Lists: A Working Cumulation 1985. Library of Congress Classification Schedules - A Cumulation of Additions and Changes Through 1991: Geography, Maps, Anthropology, Recreation G por Rita Library of Congress Classification Schedules - A Cumulation of Additions and Changes Through 1991: Geography, Maps, Anthropology, Recreation G | Rita Library of Congress Classification Schedules - A Cumulation of Additions and Changes Through 1991: Geography, Maps, Anthropology, Recreation G. Prezzo Anthropology. Recreation: Cataloging Distribution Service (Library of Congress) Library of Congress Classification: G: Geography. Maps. Anthropology. Recreation See Included in Classification Web Call Numbers (Library of Congress Classification): G - Geography GR - Folklore; GT Schedules:A Cumulation of Additions and Changes Through 1991. Library of Congress Classification Schedules Combined with Additions and Changes por Rita Runchock e Kathleen Droste | 1 jul 1991 Library of Congress Classification Schedules - A Cumulation of Additions and Changes Through 1992: and Changes Through 1992: Geography, Maps, Anthropology, Recreation G. Library of Congress Classification Schedules:class G geography, maps, anthropology, recreation a cumulation of additions and changes through1985 Congress classification schedules combined with additions and changes through 1991.

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